A Lady’s Vessel

May 7, 2021 — From the amazing meal to the life-changing message delivered by Sis. Julianna Nash, the Ladies Spring Banquet fed both the physical and spiritual body of those who attended. In addition to Sis. Julianna, the Jethro church was blessed to have a number of ladies from Louisiana come visit, fellowship, and worship with us as well.

While the meal was tasty and satisfying, and the fellowship fun and much needed, I must confess that I found the message to be the most satisfying part of the evening. Sis. Julianna spoke of the instances in which Mary Magdalene anointed Jesus with costly oil, and even provided details about why Mary would possess such an expensive oil. It was common during the time of Mary Magdalene for families to purchase spikenard for the future bride to use on her wedding day, and this oil could cost upward of an entire year’s salary or more in today’s money. When thinking about Mary and the alabaster box, Sis. Julianna admitted that she often wondered why Mary had to break open the box and even pondered upon the question “If it didn’t have a lid how did the oil get inside the box?”

While the scriptures say that Mary broke open the alabaster box, Sis. Julianna explained that more than likely the alabaster box was actually a vase with a stopper which would allow the intended user to use as little or as much as they desired without wasting a precious drop of oil.

As Sis. Julianna continued with her message, I began to think of Mary. That oil was intended for her wedding day- her future- and yet she was willing to pour it all out to anoint Jesus. This thought caused me to pause, and to start examining myself. Would I be willing to give up my goals, dreams, and plans if God asked me to? Then I began to really hear what Sis. Julianna was saying when she began to ask these questions. Are you pouring out all of your oil to the Lord or are you only pouring out a little here and a little there when it is needed? Are you keeping some back just in case instead of giving it all to the Lord?

To me it was as though she were asking, are you giving your all to God or only the parts that you will allow him to work with? Are you trusting him with your future or are you trying to make things happen your way? Are you fully submitted to the will of God? Because if you are fully submitted you will not say “God I’ll do anything, but….” This “I’ll do anything, but” mindset is a sign that I have not poured my all out to God– that I have not fully submitted to the will of God for my life.

No matter the cost, God wants us to give him our all. He wants us to trust him with our future, our time, and even our finances. God is seeking a willing vessel which he can use for his purpose. A vessel which will say, “If that’s what you want, Lord, I’ll do it. The cost doesn’t matter. I give myself to you completely. Use me however you see fit, Lord.” God wants each of use to give him all the pieces of our lives- all of the oil- even the pieces which we feel are worthless. You know the amazing thing about God? He can take what has been broken- what you think is useless- and make a masterpiece out of it, and that masterpiece will testify to the goodness and awesomeness of God working in your life. Are you willing to pour out your oil to God no matter the cost?

by Sister Stephanie Bowles