Did you hear the sound…

….of sewing machines and gospel singing? Then you missed two FUN events this month!

The first Saturday of this month our sewing project was fancy pillowcases. We learned how to create our own pattern, add decorative pieces, layer fabrics, and even began embroidery. Next month’s project will be a great gift for Father’s Day– check out our calendar for details!

Have you ever heard an accordion, a fiddle, a base guitar, trumpets, and a banjo make sweet harmony? It’s Amaaaa-ziiinnngg Graaa-ce, how sweet the sound… Our church isn’t just a place, it’s a haven, a shelter, a sanctuary where you can feel at home and escape the troubles of the world, and not just on Sundays! The 2nd Tuesday of each month you can find your reverie while listening to all genres of gospel music and enjoying delectable snacks.

Don’t miss another fun event, check out our calendar for upcoming events at jethropc.com/events.