We are what we SPEAK

Our Apples of Gold Ladies Meeting focused on the power of words. Sister Wead led our group through a wonderful study on how our words can impact. Often times, the power of our words is severely thwarted by our unwillingness to use them properly.

God used words to create life, to heal, to make demons flee, and to bring calmness in troubled times (Genesis, Psalms 33:6, Matthew 8:5-13, John 4:50, Mark 4:39, 5:8, 7:25-30).

When Jesus lives in us, we have the same power and our tongues can bring life or death (Prov. 18:21). Being able to control our tongues means not only knowing when to speak and when not to speak (Prov. 13:3, 17:27-28, 21:23), but also WHAT we should speak (Prov. 25:11 & 15, Psalms 19:14). Women who speak many words are opening the door to sin (Prov. 10:18-19), but a wise woman speaks words of life and health into a person (Prov. 12:25, 15:4, 16:24) – and this includes herself! When we are in a situation that seems impossible, we can speak to God and He will get involved (Mark 11:22-24).

A woman sets the “temperature” in the home with the words she speaks. When a woman squabbles, nags, or provokes arguments, she drives her loved ones out of the home (Prov. 21:9 & 19, 25:24, 27:15). When a woman speaks only encouraging words, edifying words, and comforting words, she is creating a warm, welcoming, safe, and loving environment.

So how do we change our words? Through our heart, for our words proceed from our hearts (Matt. 15:18). Our hearts should harbor the Word of God, which can only be accomplished through reading His word and prayer (1 Thess. 5:16-18), Isaiah 50:4). Our thoughts are controlled by what is in our heart, therefore, we need to T.H.I.N.K. before we speak. If our words are not

  • T – True
  • H – Helpful
  • I – Inspiring
  • N – Necessary
  • K – Kind

… then we should not say them.

When our thoughts start to go in a negative direction, or we get angry, immediately say “Jesus, thank you for your Word”, “Jesus, thank you for your love”, “Jesus, thank you for my (husband/friend/mother/child)”. Start praising Him and you will soon change your thoughts and the words that you speak. This is because sweetness and bitterness (salt water and fresh water) cannot flow from the same faucet – you cannot praise God and curse man with the same mouth (1 Thess. 5:18, James 3:3-12).